How to change the system battery
System settings like the time and date, boot device priority, and even overclocking settings which are accessed through the BIOS are stored in the CMOS. To preserve these settings, the CMOS needs to be supplied with power constantly. When the PC is turned off, this power is supplied by a lithium coin cell located on the motherboard. It is when the power of the battery begins to die out that the BIOS settings keep reverting to the defaults, leading to a constant change in system time and date which is most noticeable. The CMOS battery can drain out if your PC has not been used for a prolonged period of time or if your system is more than 18 to 24 months old. CHIP recommends you to change your CMOS battery every 1-2 years. Here is how you can successfully change your CMOS battery.
Step 1: Unscrew and open the side panel or top cover of your PC cabinet (depending on the type of cabinet that you have).
STEP 2: Locate the CMOS battery on the motherboard. It is a flat button cell about the size of a standard 50 paisa coin. See the image for reference.

STEP 3: Use a small flat screwdriver to lever the cell out. Take caution to handle it with care so as not to damage the surrounding components on the motherboard and the battery holder itself.
STEP 4: Obtain a replacement for your CMOS battery. The standard required is a CR2032 lithium coin cell, and it generally costs around Rs. 25.
STEP 5: Fit the battery into the holder and ensure it is fitted properly. You should hear a slight ‘click’ indicating that the cell is placed properly.
STEP 6: Navigate to the BIOS and enter the system settings such as current time and date, boot device priority etc. Press the F10 button to save the settings to CMOS and exit the BIOS.
A normal CMOS battery is supposed to last for a minimum of 3 to a maximum of 10 years. However, the battery life also depends on the type and quality of the battery, temperature inside the cabinet and general uptime of the PC.
Hence, as a precaution, do not wait until your battery is completely dead. Change it every year to ensure hassle free computing and your computer will not have to live in the past anymore! |