Useful UNIX Commands
Basic Operating System Commands
If you are just beginning to learn UNIX here are four tables of commands for executing common functions. Not all possible commands are represented, just those which are most useful.
Table 1.
UNIX Commands for Directories, Files and Devices
Create Directory |
mkdir |
Remove Directory |
rmdir, rm |
Change Directory |
cd |
List files |
ls |
Name of working directory |
pwd |
Create a file |
touch, cat |
Edit a file |
vi, emacs, pico |
Copy a file |
cp |
Rename a file |
mv |
Merge two or more files |
cat |
Delete a file |
rm |
Compare two files |
diff, cmp |
String Searches |
grep |
File Protections |
chmod |
Assign files |
ln, setenv |
Deassign files |
rm link name |
Disk space |
du, df |
Table 2.
UNIX Commands for Executables, Procedures and Job Execution
Compile a FORTRAN program |
f77, f90 |
Link a program |
f77, f90, ld |
Compile a C program |
cc |
Compile a C++ program |
g++ |
Execute a program |
program name |
Debugging program |
dbx |
Create or manipulate a library |
ar, ld |
User procedures |
c shell script |
User procedures |
k shell script |
Executing procedures |
script name,source |
Defining aliases |
alias |
Local variables |
set var=string |
Global variables |
setenv |
Check processes |
ps |
Batch submission |
program-name & |
Stopping processes |
kill |
Table 3.
UNIX Commands for Networks
Read News |
tin, xrn |
Connect to host |
telnet, rlogin |
Network file transfer |
cd |
List files |
ftp, rcp |
Mail |
mail, elm, pine |
Talk to others |
talk, write |
Disable messaging |
mesg n, biff n |
Printing |
lpr |
Check print queue |
lpq |
Table 4. Miscellaneous UNIX Commands
Logging out |
logout,CTRL-D |
Changing Passwords |
passwd |
Users logged in |
who, finger |
Help |
man |
Terminal characteristics |
stty, setenv |
Date |
date |